5 Reason Why Magisk Zip is not installing Properly

Most of the magisk user first time installs magisk zip on their phone. After Installing magisk first they start looking for magisk modules to try out on their device. But it happens some time, magisk users unable to install magisk modules properly on there phone and facing many issues like bootloop, slow performance etc.

The main reason behind this problem that magisk zip not getting installed properly or somehow corrupted while installing magisk zip file that is why you are unable to get success in flashing magisk module on your phone.

If you also facing these type of problems then don’t worry here we will tell you –

How To Fix magisk Zip Installation Error On Android Device .

Check installation path

You to be very careful at this stage because magisk installation path is very important for magisk to get installed properly and find magisk manager and magisk modules. If there any changes in magisk installation path then you might not able to get magisk manager or magisk modules at right place.

So, it’s better if you check installation path before installing magisk zip file on your device go to settings > about phone > model number and than check ro.product.brand and ro.product.device this two information will give you exact info that what folder magisk is going to install on your device after booting complete without getting any errors while booting process up.

Installing Magisl Manager First before Installing magisk Zip On Your Android Device

Sometimes magisk manager not getting install properly after installing magisk zip on your device because magisk manager package is corrupted or magisk manager app itself not working properly.

It’s only one solution that you should try to install magiK Manager first before trying magisk Zip file installation iK will solve all problems related to magisk installation.

Boot your phone into TWRP recovery mode and Wipe Cache Partition & Dalvik cache ONLY

Now, this the third most common issue with magisk user that what is the use of wipe cache partition and dalvik cache in magisk root process?

As we know now magisk is developed by topjohnwu which is very famous developer for android so he really knows about magisk root, magisk modules and magisk SU.

When magisk gets installed on our device using magisk manager app it makes some changes in boot partition to magisk framework for magisk root process which is very important thing. If we wipe dalvik cache then stops the magisk framework work and magisk not able to get success in rooting process.

So it’s better if you just Wipe Cache Partition & Dalvik cache Only. After this Boot your phone again and follow installation steps of magiK one by one and will successfully install MagiK zip file without facing any issues related to magisk root installation.

Check your device connection with PC

Another common reason behind magisk zip file installation failure is wireless or USB device connection with PC.

Sometimes magisk root file installatin not possible because magisk SU service gets stopped by some reason if usb cable or PC itself get suddenly broken magiK installation process stops working suddenly.

So, its better you check your magisk installation USB connection before trying magisk zip file installation iK will also help to solve magisk root installation problem

Do factory reset your phone

This the final solution for magisk zip installation error after Wiping cache partition & dalvik cache there are some chances that this issue still remains on your android device so now it’s time to do factory reset which will remove all the data like app, photos, messages and other important things permanently but don’t be sad magisk manager will backup all your app with data on magik cloud.

After factory reset magisk root installation process start working without any errors, but it’s recommended before doing factory reset that you must have enough knowledge about magisk SU process because magisk SU Installation Process is very difficult for new users.

So, Guys if you’re experiencing either magisk zip file installation error or magiK Manager not able to get installed properly on your device than follow some instructions which I shared above and i hope after following instructions of magisk Zip file installation error problem will be solved forever.

Magisk Root File is developed by topjohnwu so it’s really best rooting solution available for android right now.


When you use the wrong installation path for magisk, it can cause problems with finding magisk Manager and modules.

To avoid this problem, make sure to check your ro.product.brand and ro.product.device before installing any zip file on your device! If you need help getting started or have questions about how these principles might apply to your own business strategy, please contact our team of experts today!

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